Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Was Sick Today

Hi All,

I threw up on Tuesday night, all night, and today, and I missed school because I was sick. I got sick because of my sister Katie. She babysat for somebody who was sick and she got sick on my birthday. 2 Days later I got sick. But I'm feeling pretty much better right now, and I should be back at school tomorrow, Thursday.

So since I brought up my birthday I'll tell you a little about it. My mom made a triple chocolate cake which was delicious. I got great gifts, and I'm thankful for them. I got a little baby doll and a digital camera, and more. I will be using the digital camera to take pictures for my new blog page "Foto Friday". You NEED to come back every Friday to check it out!!!!!!! Including this Friday!!!

AND!!! Click on the "Wednesday Poll Day" link to take my new ice cream poll.

Goodbye all, and have a great day. Love to all, Caroline Rose (making the world a better place).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I AM SOOO SORRY THAT YOU WERE SICK.I am soo happy you are better. Smile all the time. Love Calista