Monday, October 29, 2012

Thank You

Dear All,

               Wow, remeber this? It seems so very long ago that this started. It was so exciting. My dad said that I had my very own website, I could show off my snowglobes, and do polls, and everybody would love it. Then as the years passed, as snowglobes broke and disappeared, as friends came and went this little website sat waiting. It has waited and waited for me to come home. Now I am finally back, and this time I am writing the post not my dad. Looking through the little comments from friends and family. All of them to this little seven or eight year old girl.  Now I am almost thirteen. My sisters are both in college and I in the Junior High.  I have graduated from Children's Place to Forever 21 and begun begging for an IPhone 5 like the rest of the teenagers on the East side of my little town. As I look back upon this I become overwhelmed with happiness. It reminds me of being so small and finding it hard to do simple multiplication problems, thinking crocs were cool, and finding it amazing to walk around the block to school all by myself.  I want to thank you. Thank you for listening to this little girl and helping her make memories. I still have a lot of growing to do but I just want to say thank you for your contribution to it. Much love.

                                                           - Caroline Rose Shearer

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I am SICK and I've been sick all winter break! It's sad, I have a runny nose, a bad cough, and a bullus menengites (or something) ear infection which means I have a blister in my ear. And one night I could hardly sleep because my ear hurt SO much! It is so very sad! So I have become more bored and more BORED. And I need your help. BECAUSE I NEED TO DO SOMETHING! Please comment any cool ideas you have!PLEASE COMMENT!

With Love-
C. Rose

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Books!

Hey all,

Get it like hey y'all, but not. Well GUESS WHAT I'm reading a cool new book series called drum roll please BRUGUGUGGUGUGUGUGUGUUGUGGGGthat's...GUG... ENOUGH!!!!!!! FRANNY K.STEIN They are cool. I'm on the 5th one. There are 7, so who is the master behind the book... Jim Benton! OK look at the Franny K. Steins!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Can you believe it's been over 3 months since I've posted anything. That's crazy! I'm sorry I haven't started my art gallery yet. So, I'll post it soon. I promise.

So much has gone on since October: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, my cousin's wedding (I was in it). This week I'll post pictures of some of my Christmas presents, pictures of the wedding, pictures of my artwork, and whatever else I can think of. So come back every day for the next week, and I will have something new for you.

Check it out...every day...or I'll come and get you. I have ways.

Love, Carlie Rose.

Friday, October 31, 2008

My Art Gallery

Hi all,
Soon I am going to make a gallery of my art. It will have art that I painted, drew, or sculpted. I am hoping all of you will like it.

Yours Sincerely,
Caroline Rose Shearer

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cucina Ziccardi Logo

My mom started a new catering business called Cucina Ziccardi. She makes Italian food and delivers it to your home, and she makes food for lunches and parties. She needs a logo for the new business. This was my idea for a logo. Notice it's on my blog and not my mom's. My mom's blog is Tell her you like my logo. My mom

Friday, July 25, 2008

My New York Vacation

Lovers of Rose Blogs. I'm sorry you've missed me so long. I know you've been crying. STOP IT! I'm Back. Here are some pictures from my New York Vacation.
My First Plane!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Snow Globes From Over 4,000 Miles Away

I received two new snowglobes from over 4,000 miles away. Anthony and Tiffany Flaim are from Chicago, Illinois. They are customers of my fathers company. They go to Europe to visit their family there every year. They brought back 2 snow globes for me. They are such nice people and I haven't even met them yet. One snow globe is from Fondo, Italia. Fondo is in the Norhtern part of Italy. It is over 4,533 miles from Dayton. The other snow globe is from the Hofbräuhaus in München, Deutschland. You and I might call it Munich, Germany. They make beer there. There is a Hofbräuhaus in Newport, Kentucky. You can see my Newport Aquarium Snow Globe on my Snow Globes page. The Hofbräuhaus in Newport is 54 miles from my house. The Hofbräuhaus in München is 4,488 miles from my house. Thank you Anthony and Tiffany. Maybe my family can come and visit in Chicago this summer.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Great Wolf Snowglobe

My Great friend Calista went to the Great Wolf Lodge. It's a combination hotel and indoor water park. She brought me this snowglobe as a gift. Calista is the bestest. Thank you Calista, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Snowglobes for My Birthday and Christmas

Miss Maureen, Mr. Jay and Jacob, our friends from down the street gave me two snowglobes. One for Christmas. A really cute Christmas Teddy Bear Snowglobe. It is my first snowglobe that has a ceramic base.And one for my Birthday, an Alligator Head Snow Globe from Siesta Key, which is in Florida.

Jacob is 3-years old and he is the cutest. He likes cars and trucks and baseball, and he wears a New York "Ankees" hat. Notice how I wrote Ankees...that's what Jakey says. Thank you Miss Maureen, Mr. Jay, and Jacob.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

New York Snow Globe

(click on the picture for a larger version)
My Aunt Amy gave me this snow globe. It's from New York. It has King Kong on it, and I like it. Aunt Amy came to visit for my sisters confirmation. I am having my First Holy Communion in May.
I have added this picture to the "Rose Blogs Snow Globes" page. To see all my snow globes, click the link to the right. Come back in a few days. I have other new snow globes for you to see!!!!!!!
Thanks Aunt Amy for the great snow globe. Love Carlie ROSE!!!!
Aunt Diane said...
Loved this snowglobe. Especially since it is close to my home.
Aunt Diane from Long Island

Friday, January 25, 2008

Puerto Rico Snow Globe

My Aunt RoRo and Uncle David sent me a snow globe from Puerto Rico. They went there on vacation. The people in Puerto Rico speak Spanish. I am learning Spanish in school. My teachers name is Senorita Achbach. Puerto Rico is 1824 miles from Dayton. My dad got me a snow globe from Tulum Mexico. That's only about 1350 miles from Dayton. Thank you RoRo and David. Love Carlie Rose !!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Administrative Note From Carlies "Scribe" (dad)

Several Rose Blogs fans have told us that they have had trouble posting comments to the blog. Here's how:

1.) Click on the word "COMMENTS" found under the post:

2.) Write your comment in the box.

and now the tricky part:
3.) Click in the circle next to "Nickname". If you don't click here you will be prompted for a User ID and Password. If you have a Google User ID or Gmail account you can enter your information, but either way if you click "Nickname" you don't need this.
4.) Enter your Nickname.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Rose Snow Globe

Hi all,
This is the latest addition to my snow globe collection. It was given to me by my Aunt Peggy for my 8th birthday. It is also a music box. It was made by the San Francisco Music Box company and it plays the song "The Rose". It is beautiful and I am going to make it the official snow globe of the Rose Blogs Snow Globe page. Thank you soooo much Aunt Peggy.
Love Carlie ROSE!!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Was Sick Today

Hi All,

I threw up on Tuesday night, all night, and today, and I missed school because I was sick. I got sick because of my sister Katie. She babysat for somebody who was sick and she got sick on my birthday. 2 Days later I got sick. But I'm feeling pretty much better right now, and I should be back at school tomorrow, Thursday.

So since I brought up my birthday I'll tell you a little about it. My mom made a triple chocolate cake which was delicious. I got great gifts, and I'm thankful for them. I got a little baby doll and a digital camera, and more. I will be using the digital camera to take pictures for my new blog page "Foto Friday". You NEED to come back every Friday to check it out!!!!!!! Including this Friday!!!

AND!!! Click on the "Wednesday Poll Day" link to take my new ice cream poll.

Goodbye all, and have a great day. Love to all, Caroline Rose (making the world a better place).

Thursday, January 3, 2008

2002 Winter Olympics Salt Lake City Snow Globe

Uncle Marty, Aunt Diana, and Nik, sent me a Salt Lake City, 2002 Winter Olympics Snow Globe. It is a collectors item, which is good, because I am a collector. Thank you Uncle Marty, Aunt Di, and Nik, for the way cool snow globe. See you soon. Love, Carlie Rose

Mascots and SLC Skyline

Mascots Skiing

This is a picture of my Uncle Marty, and Nik, at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah. My dad says Nik is now bigger than Uncle Marty. They are coming to see me in May, I think...and Aunt Diana too.

P.S. Here is a picture of the fairy doll Uncle Maaarty, Aunt Diana, and Nik, also sent me. It is very beautiful.

P.S.S My dad's annoyed. He says he is going to have to hang another shelf for my collections.

Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Resolution Poll

Hi, everyone. I couldn't get my Video Christmas Presents Poll to upload, so this week it's my New Years Resolution Poll. You need to vote for the resolutions you think I should keep in 2008. You can also tell me what your resolutions are making by clicking the comments link below. Love C. Rose. P.S. Happy New Year!!!!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Tree Accident

Hi All, Did everyone have a wonderful Christmas. I missed all of you. This is a picture of me and my dad decorating the Chirstmas tree. This is not the tree we had on Christmas. A few days before Christmas, I noticed a pretty ornament I wanted to look at more closely. I took the ornament off the tree and looked at it, and then, when I was putting it back on the tree, I kind of lost my balance, and fell into the tree a little bit. Well the tree stand broke and the tree fell over. I was very sad. My dad said it was okay. He said things happen. We had to go out and buy a new tree 2 days before Christmas. Our new tree is a little 4 foot tree. My mom says its the perfect size. Maybe everything worked out for the best. I'm still happy we got a tree! P.S. I love my guitar it makes nice music♪♪. Please tell me about a Christmas or holiday accident you had. Click on the comments link below. If its a good story, I will post it on the front page of my blog. Love Carlie Rose.
Katie's Story
Oh well there was this one time I was babysitting and my little sister knocked down the tree, then she ran upstairs, I called her down and she acted like nothing happened. In the end we had to get a new tree. Nice goin Carl, (jk) lol.looove,
the babysitter that was in charge of Caroline Rose.
Aunt Peggy's Story
Dear Carlie:
Well, since you asked us to post our favorite christmas story and/or accident, I thought I'd fill you in on one of the more interesting events of my life. When I was about six, I realized that I was doing all of the housework in our home. I would scrub the floors, wash the clothes, dust, mend, fix, paint...all the work was on my shoulders while my two sisters baked cookies and ate chocolate all day. No matter how hard I tried, they always gave me all the work. Then, one Christmas I got the best thing ever! We were all invited to a party, and of course, I wore their hand me down clothes while they wore new dresses and shoes. Well, we gathered around the tree, singing carols, and everyone admired my voice. They asked me to sing "Santa Claus is Coming To Town", and my sisters got upset because I was getting the attention. of my sisters pushed me out of the way, and I fell. As I fell, I knocked over the table that held the christmas cookies my sisters baked! I was so scared. They looked so mean at me! Right then and there, Santa came down the chimney!!! He was sooo early!!! My two sisters started to yell and yell at me, and Santa told them to stop! Right then and there, he gave me a brand new doll, and a candy apple!
That is my story and I'm sticking to it!
Love You!
AP (Aunt Peg)
Mom's Stories
When I was around 4 years old , I got sick on Christmas Eve night...I felt so bad that all of the sudden, I vomited all over LaLa's dad...since his pants were covered in vomit, he had to borrow my Pop-pop's pants that were 4 sizes bigger in the waist and 10inches shorter in length....poor Uncle Riggie had looked like he was wearing capri's for someone with a bigger belly than Santa!...Needless to say, we all laughed and laughed!!!
And just one more true story...when I was about 11, Ringy and I stopped at the bank before we set out Christmas shopping. As we got out of the car in the bank parking lot, we were busy talking about the gifts we were going to buy. As I turned to ask Ringy about a gift purchase, I noticed she wasn't standing next to me..."Where could she have gone" I said to myself???...I looked all around the parking lot...I called out her name, "Mom...Mom"!...It was like magic that she disappeared so quickly. I figured that the best thing to do would be to go back to the car...As I got closer to the car I noticed a small crowd gathering by the driver's side door..."what was going on", I wondered!?!?...and then to my amazement I spotted what the crowd was looking at...It was Ringy stuck under the car, (she had slipped on the ice and rolled under the car)...she was pretty much STUCK because her coat was so stiff and thick...all you could see were one foot and one hand bopping up and down trying to get someone's attention for help....OMG!!!...I was soooo embarassed by the sight of her, that I quickly backed-up and ran into the bank as fast as I could. Eventually, someone managed to pry the old girl out from under the car...when she came into the bank, I acted as if I didn't know what happened...she was such a ditz!
Love, Mommy
Calista's Story
When I was done decorating my little tree one side tiped over. On that side I had a breakable ornament. When my tree tiped over my ornament fell off and broke.Your friend Calista

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Santa Claus stopped here!

Merry Christmas to Everyone! Here is the picture I promised you. This is a picture of the ACTUAL, REAL, Santa Claus. He brought it to me last year, because I put it on my Christmas list. This year he brought me guitar, and a really cool book it's called "Where The Sidewalk Ends". It has more poems than you could ever know. I got the Littlest Pet Shop, and the "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" board game. I got Tic Tacs and lip gloss in my stocking. I got art stuff, and a coloring book. I got a little stuffed dog, I got a little stuffed owl. I got an owl ornament. And that's all I can remember. Oh yea, one more, there's juggling balls. And don't forget to vote for your favorite reindeer. (This post was dictated by Carlie Rose, as she strummed her guitar, and recited this as a Bob Dylanesque folk song).

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas to You

Christmas is just a few days away. I am very excited about it. I am going to put Santa's picture on my website. Come back on Christmas to see it. I asked Santa for a picture last year and he brought me an autographed picture. IT IS REAL!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Chistmas and that you get what you want from Santa. But remember, Christmas is not about the presents, it's not about the gifts, it's about the hearts we touch, and all the love we give. Worlds Greatest Girl, Carlie Rose

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Ornament Snow Globe

This snow globe Christmas tree ornament was a gift from Miss Tracy, my good friend Olivia's mom. She heard I collected snow globes so she took it off her tree and gave it to me. I said, "Thank you."

Monday, December 17, 2007

Krispy Kreme Snow Globe Ornament

Today was my last day of school before the holiday. We had a Christmas party in the afternoon. It was my job to bring in the donuts. Mom and I went to Krispy Kreme where we found this snow globe ornament for the Christmas tree. This makes my 30th snow globe. This is also my smallest one.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Hi all, I added some pictures of my fairies if your interested. Christmas is coming. Are you as exited as I am. Next week I will add a picture of Santa Claus that he gave me on Christmas last year. It is REAL! Love, Carlie.
Anonymous said...
Go to bed early on Christmas Eve. Santa will will be flying thru Ohio early. You wouldn't want him to miss you because you weren't asleep.
Aunt Peggy said...
Since you really are Italian underneath all that blonde hair, do you think you'll be leaving some meatballs and spaghetti for Santa and his reindeer? All of the rest of the kids will leave cookies and milk, and I'm sure he'd be happy to have a change of snacks for a change? What do you think?